
The goal of the Russian River Parkway Project is to create safe, welcoming, and environmentally friendly river access. The project site is located in the northern portion of Sonoma County near the Sonoma Mendocino County Line. It is about a 10-minute drive north from the City of Cloverdale and runs along the Russian River near the Highway 101 corridor. The new park will be one of eight Sonoma County Regional Parks situated along the approximately 64 miles of the Russian River that flows through Sonoma County.

What you can do:

1 Watch the video

2 Take the survey

3 Show us how you access the Russian River now

4 Contact us

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Project Timeline

Popup outreach events
Spring 2021
Design and Permitting
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
Begin Construction
End Construction
Summer 2022 – Spring 2023
Submit CEQA documents
to State
Spring 2022
Submit final site design
Spring 2022
Record deed restriction
and submit project closeout package
Fall 2023


Download the following documents to learn more about this project:

Draft Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Download pdf
Draft Initial Study/Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration
Download pdf
Draft Master Plan
Download pdf
Land Use Alternatives
Download pdf
Flythrough Animation
Existing Conditions
Download pdf

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